Maybe Solomon “bundled” a few to make up time?

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Ha! It's an excellent theory.

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Huh. Interesting idea. I do morning pages, as Julia Cameron recommends. Mostly it's just a brain dump but some ideas come out of it. I've learned to just keep writing the 3 longhand pages without stopping, but if there's something in there that I need to get back to later, I just put a mark by that line and tend to it after I finish. Otherwise, I come to 45 minutes later after researching the latest in Halloween costumes for cats.

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That sounds like a good system. And of course, important internet research too

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I love hearing about your process. It helps that you are incredibly smart and funny

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Thank you Dana! That's lovey to hear

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I read somewhere, can't remember where, that if you make an appointment with the muse every day same time, she will show up. So I write in the mornings, same time every day, and so far she's been showing up. Although sometimes she seems to sleep in but that's ok. Anyway, the sneeze 2.0 sounds like a good idea actually, better than some of the other remakes we've seen lately.

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I have a similar conundrum each week in preparing sermons. I have tons of material, but parsing it down to "news we can use" each week takes a system not unlike yours!

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Now that you use the Remarkable, do you ever miss pen-to-paper? Or are you happily all in? I’ve been thinking about switching forever but still need reassurance…

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I do like it! Though I can't figure out how to get the handwriting recognition part to work, so I end up just typing the writing into my computer. So that's not so efficient.

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I like the “Sneeze” idea. That would be really interesting how each director would interpret it. 😀

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Let's get Scorsese on the phone! I agree!

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I feel like when I actively try to brain storm ideas I almost always come up with something I like - yet I still don't do it regularly. I should try to rectify this.

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I'm a fan!

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I left a message on FB about a cool location for a book signing

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Checking it out now!

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Also you should read Jack Othman’s Substack. He’s a political cartoonist and I think you guys should know each other.

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Thanks Dana!

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OHMAN. It autocorrected

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